Measuring Progress
It has been a few weeks since I’ve been persistent at pursuing my goals. The statement “I’ve been making so much progress” has been one that I have recited to myself and those I have been working closely with. It is easy to look back and see all of the work that I have done — but as soon as I review where I need to be, I would say “progress" is an overstatement. Progress is subjective — I have had to accept that and apply grace where needed.
It’s easy to measure cleaning the kitchen or cooking a meal because progress is transparent and the outcome is easily obtained. But how have I been able to combat against the negative thoughts of progress when starting a business? Well for me, mapping it out (up until this point it has been mostly mental). There are a ton of different resources that can help us measure progress and define the tasks that need to be completed — but I have decided to use the gantt chart. Once I have mapped it out and have defined my processes I will give an insight to how it works.
The other method of measuring progress is journaling or in this case blogging. I am sure they are out there but there have been very few places where I have been able to find people’s journey in real-time or a chronological story of how they started to where they currently are. So I have decided that I would create a space for that in case anyone was looking. Although I do understand that by me doing this it is subjective to my own progress, I see value in creating a written timeline of common roadblocks that I am bound to come across. In hopes of documenting my progress and how I have been able to overcome common roadblocks you will be able to navigate through your own.
This particular page “RAW MINDS” will be primarily used to document the nitty gritty pursuit of my dreams. I hope you enjoy reading my story but most importantly ENJOY THE JOURNEY — especially your own!
Mandy Hayter @heybw