What's your belief system?
Henry Ford said it best, “whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right!” I am reminded of a 60 minute interview clip of Elon Musk talking about commercial spaceflight. Some of his heroes, including Neil Armstrong, spoke against it. It was devastating for him but it didn’t change his belief that he could and therefore should do it. He ultimately said that he would have to be “dead or completely incapacitated” to give up. Belief is the ultimate privilege.
I wholly believe that if we prime ourselves for success that we can accomplish anything. We can do this by visualizing our success, writing it down, and then mapping out steps you need to take to get there. Watch this video from Tony Robbins about how your beliefs create your reality—it says what I am trying to convey in a powerful way. It’s kind of long, but worth the investment of your time.
Mandy Hayter @heybw